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So When Does the Next Chapter Go Live?

2009 May 29
by DiG

I’ve received some very positive feedback on the site and on the first ten chapters of the story in the past few days.

I’ve also been asked the same question over and over again.

So when does the next chapter go live?

While it is true that I am interested in sharing my story on the web, it is critically important that I demonstrably quantify the story’s online popularity in order to convince an agent and publisher that ‘Vito: The Cat Who Wouldn’t Purr‘ should be published as a book.

So here’s the drill…

Once I have achieved ONE of the following goals (described in greater detail here), I will publish the next chapter…

  • 100 followers on Twitter (you can follow ‘VitotheCat’ right now for free)
  • 100 Diggs on Digg (you could digg ‘Introducing Vito’ this very instant, also for free)
  • $100 donated on PayPal (or donate $1.00 at a cost of $1.34, after fees)

And don’t forget to tell your friends.


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