So What’s Next for Vito?
Yeah, so that whole Pubslush thing didn’t work out. As it turns out, that whole Pubslush thing didn’t work out for Pubslush either as they’ve relaunched as second-rate Kickstarter for books, where authors raise money to self publish. Not a bad idea per se, but the whole point was to build a fan base to get published by, you know, a publishing house. Not that I’m bitter or anything.
Okay, so I’m bitter.
So onto to Plan B.
The only problem is that I’m not really sure what Plan B should be.
I could…
- Go the whole Kickstarter/Indiegogo route and crowdsource a self-publication of the book.
- Once more into the breach, try another round of query letters to agents.
- Or simply shelf the book, so to speak, and let it sit idle as I have the past however many months it’s been.
Personally, I am enamored with Kickstarter/Indiegogo, but it will take some time to research the art of self-publishing, the costs, the formatting and most importantly find the time to do this the right way.
So if you guys can bear with me, I hope to come back with some ideas so this book can see the light of day.
Oh, and I’m thinking of changing the title to Vito’s Tale.
As always, let me know what you think. And I’ll try not to disappear again into fetal ball of disappointment.
Facebook comments:
I left a comment above but I think you might get to see this in comments…I was wondering what age group(s) you are targeting ? I just thought of a few suggestions depending on your response…. oh, and yeah, had you considered ‘vito’s tails’ ??? LOVE THE BOOK !!! ventura