Vito Update III: Random Musings…
You will notice that I’ve made another set of changes to
I’ve added new navigation above the header and have debuted a rotation of positive ‘celebrity’ reviews to the top right of the page.
There are more tweaks to come, but I think the site is starting to shape up nicely.
I also plan to add, starting next week, a regular blog post covering whatever random topics hit me at the moment, dubbed appropriately enough, Random Musings.
One hopes it is a way to introduce the web at large to my writing style and dazzling wit, such as it is, above and beyond the chapters of my book.
Yeah, I know. Good luck with that.
As for my March to 100 (I’m starting to feel like the late Ed McMahon at the Jerry Lewis telethon), drum roll please…
20 comments, 11 Twitter followers, 9 diggs and $3.00 donated.
Stay tuned, much more to come next week, and don’t forget to let me know what you think of the changes I’ve made to the site!
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