Chapters 14, 15 and Beyond: How and When…
2010 July 11
With the amazing popularity of Vito on Facebook, I have decided to abandon Twitter as the yardstick of Vito’s popularity.
Goodbye, Twitter. Hello Facebook.
With almost 10,000 Facebook ‘Likes’ in the books (!!!!), I have published the last promised Twitter chapter yesterday and have made plans to publish the next chapter when the Facebook chimes hit 10,000.
So the publishing schedule is as follows:
- Chapter 13: Going the the Vet in a Beer Box went live yesterday
- Chapter 14: Out for the First Time goes live at 10,000 ‘Likes’
- Chapter 15: His First Kill at 15,000
- Chapter 16: His First Date at 20,000
- Chapter 17: Attacking Dot at 25,000
In other words, share ‘Vito’ with your Facebook friends today!
UPDATE: Facebook hit 10,000 late tonight, so as promised — Chapter 14: Out for the First Time. Enjoy!
Facebook comments:
14 Responses
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I love cats, black cats in particular, so really like the story of Vito.
Vito is funny, reminds me of one of my current cats (also black with a white spot.) I like Vito, he is pure CAT! And the story is told simply, with humor-I feel like I know Vito! Can’t wait for more-I think this would make a great book.